on the verge of
- 삶/English
- 2009. 8. 31.
brink, point, edge, threshold
border, edge, margin, limit, boundary, threshold, brim
come near to, approach, border on, resemble, incline to, be similar to, touch on...
가장자리, 경계
on the verge of : ~의 경계에 있으므로 뭔가 변화가 일어나기 직전.
막 ~ 하려고 하는 중인.
The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
Carole was on the verge of tears.
cf. brink


가장자리, 경계
on the verge of : ~의 경계에 있으므로 뭔가 변화가 일어나기 직전.
막 ~ 하려고 하는 중인.
The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
Carole was on the verge of tears.
cf. brink
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