what's the catch? 뜻

what's the catch? 뜻

미드나 영화에서 종종 들리곤 하는 표현이다.

catch가 잡는다는 뜻도 있지만, 다음의 뜻도 있다는 것을 기억해 두자.

  • a hidden problem or disadvantage

따라서, what's the catch? 라고 묻는 경우 다음의 뜻을 내포한다.

  • What's the problem, drawback, detriment, or risk that I'm not privy to or able to see?
  • What is the drawback?;

즉, 단점은 없느냐? 무슨 꿍꿍이야? 뭔가 숨기는 것이 있지?

등의 뜻이 된다.





  • You’re letting me have this too easily. What’s the catch?
  • You’re saying it’s all good for me but what’s the catch?
  • It just sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?
  • The restaurant is offering free dinner, but what's the catch?

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