20080710 Installation of Apache2
- Development/Tools
- 2008. 7. 11.
[C] Installiation of Apache2 (HOW-TO)
A) Using Ubuntu Specific Command
* installationg command
$> sudo apt-get install apache2* directory information
/etc/apache2 <= apache설정파일 위치 /usr/lib/apache2 <= modules 위치 /etc/init.d/apache2 <= stop, start, reload 스크립트 /usr/sbin/a2* 실행파일 <= apache mod, site 설정, 헤제 스크립트
* intsalled apache server by using 'apt' command of ubuntu, however, it turned out
different from normal way of configuration
* ubuntu serves its own of configuration
* it could take more time to figure out how to install others modules and usse it
* finally, installing the apache server in the standard way seems recommendable
B) Using Standard Linux Command
1) Preparation of source file
cd /usr/local/src sudo wget http://mirror.oss.or.kr/pub/apache/httpd/httpd-2.2.4.tar.gz sudo tar xvfz httpd-2.2.4.tar.gz cd httpd-2.2.42) Configuration before installation
- sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/apache --enable-so
- sudo make
- sudo make install
* before installation, build-essential sould be installed in advance
; sudo aptitude install build-essential
3) confiuration of apache service port
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/apache --enable-so sudo make sudo make install4) execution
- /usr/apache/bin/apachectl start (stop, restart)
- check whether it shows "It works!" message on the web browser
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